Download Webpage Into Excel Mac

Microsoft 365 now has all your favorite Office 365 apps in one place. Enjoy new levels of productivity and collaboration with powerful Microsoft 365 tools. Oct 28, 2014. There are lots of ways of getting data from a website using VBA. You can navigate to it using an InternetExplorer object and parse the HTML once you're there. You can also craft HTTP requests using MSXML2.XMLHTTP. Excel in particular has a number of data-link options that can do this. Apr 29, 2020.

In Office 2011 for Mac, Excel can try to load tables from a Web page directly from the Internet via a Web query process. A Web query is simple: It’s just a Web-page address saved as a text file, using the .iqy, rather than .txt, file extension. You use Word to save a text file that contains just a hyperlink and has a .iqy file extension. Excel reads that file and performs a Web query on the URL that is within the .iqy text file and then displays the query results.

You can easily make Web queries for Microsoft Excel in Microsoft Word. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to a Web page that has the Web tables that you want to put in Excel.

  2. Highlight the Web address in the address field and choose Edit→Copy.

  3. Switch to Microsoft Word and open a new document.

    Launch Word if it’s not open already.

  4. Choose Edit→Paste.

    The URL is pasted into the Word document.

  5. In Word, choose File→Save As.

    The Save As dialog appears.

  6. Click Format and choose Plain Text (.txt) from the pop-up menu that appears.

  7. Type a filename, replacing .txt with .iqy as the file extension.

    Don’t use the .txt extension. The .iqy file extension signifies that the file is a Web query for Microsoft Excel.

    If you encounter the File Conversion dialog, select the MS_DOS radio button, and then click OK.

  8. Select the Documents folder.

  9. Click the Save button.

After you save your Web query, follow these steps to run the Web query:

  1. Open Excel.

  2. Choose Data→Get External Data→Run Saved Query.

  3. Open the .iqy file you saved in Word.

Download Webpage Into Excel Machine Learning

Excel attempts to open the Web page for you, which creates a query range formatted as a table. Web queries work with HTML tables, not pictures of tables, Adobe Flash, PDF, or other formats. The fancy Web query browser found in Excel for Windows is not available in Excel for Mac.

Download Webpage Into Excel Mac

You can refresh a Web query quickly by first positioning the selection cursor anywhere in the data table and then choosing Data→Refresh Data.

You can convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or online at

Convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers on iPhone or iPad

You can work with a variety of file formats in Numbers on your iPhone or iPad. Check which formats are compatible with Numbers on iPhone and iPad.

Convert a Numbers spreadsheet in Numbers on iPhone or iPad

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If you want to open a Numbers spreadsheet in another app like Microsoft Excel, use Numbers to convert the spreadsheet into the appropriate format.

  1. In Numbers, open the spreadsheet that you want to convert, then tap the More button .
  2. Tap Export.
  3. Choose a format for your spreadsheet. For example, if you want to open your Numbers spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, choose Excel.
  4. Choose how you want to send your spreadsheet, like with Mail or Messages.

Open a file in Numbers on your iPhone or iPad

To open a file like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on your iPhone or iPad, tap the file in the spreadsheet manager. If you don’t see the spreadsheet manager, tap the Back button (on an iPhone or iPod touch) or Spreadsheets (on an iPad), then tap the file that you want to open. If a file is dimmed, it’s not in a compatible format.

You can also open a file in Numbers from a different app like the Files app, or from an email:

  1. Open the other app, then select the spreadsheet or attachment.
  2. Tap the Share button .
  3. Tap Copy to Numbers. The original file remains intact.

After the file opens, you might get a message that the file was last edited in an app other than the most recent version of Numbers. Tap Done to open the file in Numbers.

Convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers for Mac

Download Webpage Into Excel Mac

You can work with a variety of file formats in Numbers for Mac. Check which formats are compatible with Numbers for Mac.

Convert a Numbers spreadsheet in Numbers for Mac

If you want to open a Numbers spreadsheet in another app like Microsoft Excel, use Numbers to convert the spreadsheet to an appropriate format.

  1. In Numbers, open the Numbers spreadsheet that you want to convert.
  2. Choose File > Export To, then select the format.
  3. In the window that appears, you can choose a different format or set up any additional options. For example, you can require a password to open an exported PDF, or choose the format for an exported Excel spreadsheet.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter a name for your file and select a folder to save it to.
  6. Click Export.

To send a file in a specific format through Mail, Messages, AirDrop, or Notes, choose Share > Send a Copy, choose how you want to send the spreadsheet, then choose a format.

Open a file in Numbers for Mac

You can open a file from the Finder or from the Numbers app:

  • From the Finder, Control-click the file, then choose Open With > Numbers. If Numbers is the only spreadsheet app on your Mac, you can just double-click the file.
  • From the Numbers for Mac app, choose File > Open, select the file, then click Open. If a file is dimmed, it’s not a compatible format.

When the file opens, you might get a message that the spreadsheet will look different. For example, Numbers notifies you when fonts are missing. You might see also see warnings when you open spreadsheets created in older versions of Numbers.

Convert and open spreadsheets in Numbers for iCloud

Numbers for iCloud lets you open, edit, and share your files from a supported browser on a Mac or PC. Check which formats are compatible with Numbers for iCloud.

Convert a Numbers spreadsheet in Numbers for iCloud

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  1. Sign in to with your Apple ID.
  2. Click Numbers.
  3. In the spreadsheet manager, click the More button on the file you want to convert, then choose Download a Copy. If you have the spreadsheet open, click the Tools button in the toolbar, then choose Download a Copy.
  4. Choose a format for the spreadsheet. The file begins to download to your browser’s download location.

Open a file in Numbers for iCloud

  1. Sign in to with your Apple ID.
  2. Click Numbers.
  3. Drag the file you want to upload into the spreadsheet manager in your browser. Or click the Upload button , select the file, then click Choose.
  4. Double-click the file in the spreadsheet manager.

Download Webpage Into Excel Macros

Check file format compatibility

Formats you can open in Numbers

You can open these file formats in Numbers on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and online at

Download Webpage Into Excel Macromedia

  • All Numbers versions
  • Microsoft Excel: Office Open XML (.xlsx) and Office 97 or later (.xls)
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab-delimited or fixed-width text files

Formats you can convert Numbers spreadsheets into

Numbers on iPhone or iPad:

  • Microsoft Excel Office Open XML (.xlsx)
  • PDF
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab Separated Values (.tsv)

Numbers for Mac:

  • Numbers ’09
  • Microsoft Excel: Office Open XML (.xlsx) and Office 97 or later (.xls)
  • PDF
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)
  • Tab Separated Values (.tsv)

Numbers for iCloud:

  • Microsoft Excel Office Open XML (.xlsx)
  • PDF
  • Comma Separated Values (.csv)

Download Excel On Mac

Learn more

Download Webpage Into Excel Macro

  • Numbers on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and online at use the same file format. If you create or edit a spreadsheet in Numbers on one platform, you can open it in Numbers on any of the other platforms.
  • You can update to current versions of Numbers on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from the App Store. To update Numbers for Mac, use the App Store app on your Mac.
  • If you convert a Numbers spreadsheet into Numbers ’09-compatible spreadsheet, learn more about changes that happen when you export to iWork ’09.